Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jesus & T.V.

Hobbies are great! There are many things out there to help us relax or kill time. After reading Jesus' stories like in Luke 19 about the servant who didn't do anything with the gift he gave him, I've began to question how much time i invest in certain activities like T.V., video games and such. Really anything one could do to "check out" for a little could be an example. Paul wrote the church of Corinth and said that everything is permissible but everything is not beneficial. He is speaking of food, but i can't help but think about this when i think of TV and the like. It's not gonna kill me, but........ really? So as a follower and lover of Jesus, what is your opinion of how much time and effort should be invested in hobbies, relaxation and killing time? Your comments are encouraged.

1 comment:

  1. hobbies definitely are good, but only good in moderation. they can easily get in the way of God and our faith. They are only good in moderation! we need to get up off our butts more often and do things that are productive and in the footsteps of Jesus
